What is Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery CABG?
Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery (MICS) CABG, is performed through small cuts between the ribs. Unlike traditional open-heart surgery, MICS – CABG avoids splitting the central chest bone (sternotomy) and is performed on the beating heart without using a Heart-Lung machine to stop the heart. MICS – CABG requires a high level of skill and training, hence is performed by very few surgeons in the country.
How is it performed?
A 5 to 7 cm cut is made on the left side of the chest, between the ribs (as seen above). The Da Vinci Robotic system is often used to take the Internal Mammary Artery (IMA) from the chest wall. This technique avoids rib spreading, thus reducing postoperative pain and wound-related complications.
Who Is t For?
Most patients with coronary artery disease can be treated by MICS-CABG with few exceptions. Patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) should be carefully assessed by a surgeon specializing in Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery, only then should they undertake the MICS – CABG procedure.
⦿ The use of arterial conduits increases the durability of the bypass grafts
⦿ Minimal trauma and pain
⦿ Minimal blood loss and related complications
⦿ Minimal risk of wound infection
⦿ Short hospital stay – 2-4 days average
⦿ Quick recovery to normal activity – 2-4 weeks average